Kit Harington’s birthday falls on an ‘unfortunate’ date

Having your birthday very close to Christmas can be slightly depressing, as people are already celebrating anyway, and your special day usually gets overlooked. And that’s exactly what Kit Harington complained about in an interview with W Magazine.

The Game of Thrones star, whose birthday falls on December 26, revealed that the celebrations on the day are always the same and that he gets “no attention”, with Boxing Day and Christmas overshadowing the whole thing.

“I always end up getting really grumpy and selfish on my birthday. It’s always the same; I go to my local pub,” said Harington. But, at least, he gets to have everyone by his side. “I’m always at home back at where my parents live, where I grew up. It’s a great way of getting all my friends back together.”

As for the presents he receives, “They get worse each year, I find,” he revealed. “I think I got a Harry Potter Cluedo set last year. A, I’m not 10 years old and B, that is just such a token effort, mom and dad”. Ouch. Continue reading “Kit Harington’s birthday falls on an ‘unfortunate’ date”